Listen to this toad:

One short call

More sounds of
Anaxyrus boreas boreas
Related or Similar Northwest Toads:
Rocky Mountain (Woodhouse's) Toad
Adult, Lane County,Oregon |
Adult male, Thurston County, Washington, access courtesy of Jim Lynch, Ft. Lewis Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Adult, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada © Guntram Deichsel |
Breeding Adults |
Males in calling position on lake, Thurston County, Washington, access courtesy of Jim Lynch, Ft. Lewis Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Adults in amplexus, Thurston County, Washington. Access to specimens courtesy of Jim Lynch, Ft. Lewis Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Nuptial pad on front foot of adult male, Thurston County, Washington. Specimen courtesy of Jim Lynch, Ft. Lewis Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Juveniles |
Juvenile, Deschutes County, Oregon |
Juvenile, Deschutes County, Oregon |
Juvenile, Deschutes County, Oregon |
Metamorph, Owyhee County, Idaho
© Bill Bachman |
Metamorph, Owyhee County, Idaho
© Bill Bachman |
Juvenile, Lane County, Oregon |
Eggs and Tadpoles |
Tadpole, Deschutes County, Oregon
Tadpole, Deschutes County, Oregon |
Eggs are laid in strings similar to those of
California Toads. |
Tadpoles, Deschutes County, Oregon
Eyes are inset from the edge of the head. |
Tadpoles, Deschutes County, Oregon |
Habitat |
Habitat, small lake,
Thurston County, Washington |
Habitat, small lake,
Mason County, Washington |
Habitat bog, 4,600 ft.,
Lane County, Oregon |
Habitat, lake and adjacent forest, KItsap County, Washington |
Habitat, lake on Mt. St. Helens, 3,600 ft., Skamania County, Washington. |
Habitat, meadow, 6,400 ft.,
Deschutes County, Oregon |
Habitat, small forest creek, 6,400 ft., Deschutes County, Oregon |
Habitat, dense forest,
Mason County, Washington |
Breeding habitat with tadpoles, Deschutes County, Oregon |
Habitat, Owyhee County, Idaho
© Bill Bachman |
Short Videos |
A toad gives a release call after he is picked up and gently grasped across the back. (It may sound like this toad is suffering, but it is not being harmed. This is a warning call, the same one he makes when another male toad comes into his territory or climbs onto his back and grabs him tightly with his legs.) |
An adult Boreal Toad hops around a coastal plain in Humboldt County.