Using Digital Media |
All of the digital media used on this website (images, sound recordings, videos) are protected by copyright.
Many users of this site have generously contributed their images, sounds, and videos for use on this website. The name of the contributor is printed below an image or sound link and also on the photos. The copyright holders maintain all rights to the use of their digital media and they all have their own guidelines for how their works can be used. Please contact them to get permission to use their work. Please don't use their work without permission. If no email address is listed here, use is prohibited.
Any photo, sound, or video on the website that is not attributed to the name of the contributor below the thumbnail or link, is
© Gary Nafis (which is written on the large image) or it has been used anonymously by request.
Using Digital Media © Gary Nafis |
Free Use
Free use of my images is allowed
under the Creative Commons license - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International which does not allow for commercial use. (For commercial use, see the information below.)
If you agree to that license you can download up to ten images from the web site
for non-commercial and educational use - something that is free to use and without advertisements. If you want to use more than 10 of my images, please contact me for my permission. The credit should read © Gary Nafis. (You can add a link to www.CaliforniaHerps,com, if you want.)
I will not send you high-resolution files, help you choose photos, sign release forms, or do anything else for you with this free use.
If you need me to do any of these things, contact me about commercial use.
Commercial Use
Please contact me to offer payment for the use of any images, sounds, or videos © Gary Nafis for commercial purposes, which include anything that the user must pay for or any website that makes money from advertising. I can provide you with a digital image of higher resolution than you can download from the web site at a low cost. I will also sign release forms, provide an invoice, etc. which I will not do for non-commercial free use.
How to Contact Contributors |
Below is a list of the names of digital media contributors in alphabetical order by last name.
(This list is now more than twenty years old, so many of these addresses may no longer be valid.)
After receiving complaints attributing unwanted spam to email addresses listed here, I have made an attempt to prevent automatic email harvesting by spammers by adding a # symbol before each email address.
You will need to remove the leading # symbol before using the email address.
Some browsers may insert a symbol other than the hash tag.
Whatever symbol is put at the beginning of the email address should be removed.
I realize that this makes it hard to use these email links on a cell phone, but I don't have a better solution.
A |
Ryan Aberg |
Todd Accornero |
Douglas Aguillard |
Jeff Ahrens |
Brad Alexander |
Ronn Altig |
Melissa Amarello |
John Andermann |
Bryce Anderson |
Jacob Anderson |
Lawrence Anderson |
Kevin Andras |
Lady Li Andre | |
Chris Arai |
Akela Arthur |
B |
Jaye B |
Bill Bachman |
Brett Badeaux |
Emile Bado |
Cooper Bailey |
Alex Bairstow |
Crystal Baker |
Laura Baker |
Osa Barbani |
Dick Bartlett |
Nick Barrientos |
Deb Barringer |
Alan D. Barron (or Alan Barron) |
John Aylward |
Sean Barefield |
Sean Barry |
Mark Baskin |
Todd Battey |
Gary Beach |
Leah Beebe |
Robert Beecroft |
Dave Beller |
Jeffrey Belotti |
Jim Bennett |
Max Benningfield |
Jonathan Benson |
Steve Berry - Jaaleekaay |
Dave Biggs |
Steve Bird Zoothera Birding |
Robert Black |
Brian Blackwelder |
Steve Bledsoe |
Winter Bonnin |
Andrew Borcher |
Joe Bouvier |
Dave Bowlus |
Eric Boyer |
Jerry L. Boyer |
Bon Terra Consulting (Sam Stewart) |
Dan Boyd |
Richard E. Brewer |
Patrick Briggs |
Kate Britsch |
Steven Britton |
Steve Broggie |
Chris Brown |
Douglas Brown |
Douglas S. Brown |
Holly Brown |
Philip Brown |
Carl R. Brune |
Frank Buchter |
John Buckman |
Paul J. Burke |
Olly Burrows (no use allowed) |
Greg Buchanok (no use allowed) |
Carola Bundy |
Tim Burkhardt |
James R. Buskirk |
Jason Butler |
Colin Byrne |
C |
Don Cain |
Luke Caldwell |
Steven Caldwell |
Suzanne Camejo |
Doug Campbell |
Amber Carson |
Cassandra |
Alex Castelein |
Jen Castle
Zachary Cava |
Shane Caver |
Alexus Cazares |
Richard Cazares |
Shreyes Chalasani |
Robin Chanin |
Emily Chebul |
Isaac Chellman |
John Chevalier (no use allowed) |
The Chico Turtle Lab |
George Chrisman |
Ruby Christine |
Michael Clarkson |
Adam G. Clause (Adam Clause) |
Seth Coffman |
Suzanne Cogen |
Kenneth D. Cohn |
Walter Combs |
Keith Condon |
Karen Cooper |
Russel Cormack |
Gerald & Buff Corsi |
Bob Cossins |
David Couch |
Michele Coughlin |
Kirsty Coulter |
Tony Covell |
Jennifer Cox |
Terry Cox |
Crazy About Nature Facebook |
Michael Crews |
Kevin Crouch |
Curtis Croulet |
Earl Curran (no use allowed) |
D |
Dave D |
Daniel |
Carlos Davidson |
Alison Davies |
Tom Day |
Tim Dayton |
Ben DeDominic |
Chris DeGroof |
Wim de Groot |
Janjaap Dekker |
Andrew de Koeyer |
Harold DeLisle |
Guntram Deichsel |
John Delgado - John's YouTube Rattlesnakes Channel |
Byron De Stouet |
Kimberly Deutsch |
Tara de Silva |
Robert de Vico - |
Ed Dickie |
Joseph E. DiDonato |
Julia DiRienzo |
Rory Doolin |
Mike Dorsey |
Katie Drexhage |
Rachel DuBose |
Roman Duellge |
Ryan Dugan |
Sylvia Durando |
E |
Jeremiah Easter |
Joe Eastham |
Bruce Edley |
Abby Edwards | / Audubon Canyon Ranch |
Kenny Elliott |
Janet Ellis |
Carla England |
Seth Erickson |
Nick Esquivel |
F |
Geoff Fangerow |
Norbert Fanjat |
Lonnie Fehr |
Dave Feliz |
David Feliz |
Pierre Fidenci |
Jason Fitzgibbon |
Aaron Fitzsimmons |
Brian Flaigmore |
William Flaxington |
David Fong |
Bill Ford |
Domiane Forte |
Riley Frasier |
Von T. Freeze |
Debbie Frost |
Alexandria M. Fulton USGS |
Joe Furhman |
G |
Aureliano Gaglione |
Alberto Galindo |
Carrie Galvin |
Paul Galvin |
Beverly Gandall |
Joe Garcia |
Mela Garcia |
Mario Garcia Paris |
Mark Gary |
Ian Gaston |
Michael Gates |
Michael Gatti |
Richard Gentile |
John Gerhard |
Benjamin German |
Joel A. Germond |
Phil Gervato |
Zeev Nitzan Ginsburg |
Andre Giraldi |
Mark Girardeau - Orange County |
Adam Gitmed |
Christopher Glover |
Matthey Godfrey (no use allowed) |
Susannah Goldston |
Leo Gomez |
Dave Goodward |
Terry Goyan |
Gary Grantham |
Tom Green |
Harry Greene |
Pamela Greer |
Marcia Grefsrud CDFW |
Lori Grennan |
Nancy Gribler |
Ken Griffiths - web site: Naturally Wild Photography |
Bret Gross |
Dylan Gross |
Joyce Gross |
Erik Grouell (no use allowed) |
Ricky Grubb |
Chris Gruenwald |
H |
Bob Haase |
Cheryl Haga |
Steve Haimwertz |
Jonathan Hakim |
Lou Hamby |
Linda Hamilton |
Robert Hamilton - Hamilton Biological |
Shelly Hancock |
Robert W. Hansen |
Paul Hanson |
Jeffrey Harker |
Tom Harkins |
Andrew Harmer |
Marlon Harrington |
Brian Harris |
Daniel Harris |
Megan Harris |
lara hartley |
Andy Hatch |
Kinji Hayashi (contact James R. Buskirk) |
Ruby Christine Head |
Jared Heald |
Grigory Heaton |
Lee Hecker |
Adam Helbert |
Yuval Helfman |
Taylor Henry |
Ryan Henson |
Francesca Heras |
Tim Herbert |
Bob Herrmann |
Robert Herndon |
Nicholas Hess |
Alexandra Hicks |
Mark Hilands |
Brian Hinds |
Jon Hirt |
John Hodgson |
Owen Holt (No use allowed) |
Stacey Holt |
Craig Hoover |
Taryn Horne |
Greg Howard |
Sabrina Howe |
Ryan Hoyer |
Brian Hubbs |
Jeremy Huff |
Don Huffman |
John Huffman |
Katherine Hughes |
Brandon Hunsberger |
Ryan Hunter |
Cait Hutnik (Light of Morn) |
I |
Michael Inaba |
Claudia Inoue |
Steve Ivie |
J |
Amy Jaecker-Jones |
David Jahn |
Doug Jeffries |
Chris Johnson (no use allowed) |
Don Johnson |
Oscar Johnson |
Pieter Johnson |
Val Johnson |
Russell Johnston |
Jason Jones |
K |
Faris K |
Thomas Kavenaugh |
Pouya Kazemi |
Jay Keller |
Max Kelley |
Sean Kelly |
Dan Kennedy |
Suzanne Kennedy |
Andreas Kettenburg |
Neil Keung |
Ceal Klingler |
Denise Kocek web site: Elephant Seals Blog |
David Kositchek |
Tadd Kraft |
Anicka Kratina-Hathaway |
Steven Krause |
Maureen Krinsky |
Mark Kroenke |
Alex Krohn |
Isaac Krone |
Liz Kubalek |
Tony Kurz |
L |
Rodney Lacey |
Chad Lane or Chad M. Lane |
Holly Lane |
Kevin Law |
Dr. Robert Lawson |
Jeffrey M. Lemm |
William Leonard |
Wade Leschyn |
Alan E. Leviton |
Zachary Lim (or Zach Lim) |
Chris Lima |
Joel Lingenfelter |
Richard Lingo |
Gregory Litiatco |
Nate Loftin |
Connor Long |
Andrew Louros |
Alden Lovaas |
Sheri Lubin |
Joy Lutz-Mizar |
M |
Lorenzo Maccone |
Mike X Macrae |
Grace Macy |
Jude Magann |
Shane Macfarlan |
Bobby MacGregor |
Paul Maier |
Lindsay Marston |
Bob Martz |
William Mason |
Stephanie Mastriano |
James Maughn |
Maxine |
William Mays |
Ryan Martin |
Thomas Martin |
Emily Mastrelli |
Kelly Mathson |
Matt Maxon |
Blaine Mazzetti |
Kyle McCann |
Nathan McCanne |
John McClain |
Paul McClenahan |
Allen McConnell |
Mark McCormick |
Ethyl McGee |
Erin McGuire |
Scott McKay |
Rob McLennan |
Jerry McMurray |
Natalie McNear |
Evan Mehta |
Gérard Menut |
Anthony Mercieca (no use allowed) |
Brian Merget |
Robert Mellinger |
Cody Merrylees |
John Michels |
David Mikkelsen |
David Miles |
Jessica Miller |
Mark Miller |
Thomas Miller |
Tom Millington |
Jeff Mintz |
Nancy Mittasch |
Harry Moffett |
Linda Morgan |
Diane Morrow |
James Morry |
Bruce Montgomery |
Brad Moon |
Noah Morales |
Richard Morgan II |
Becca Morn |
Chris Morrison |
Casey Moss |
Albert Most |
K. Moussally |
Chris Mowry |
Carlos Rodriguez Munoz (no use allowed) |
Sam Murray |
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley (David Wake) |
Laura Najaf-abadi |
N |
Gary Nafis |
Brian Nann |
Christian Naventi |
Julie Nelson |
Jonathan Nemati |
Melissa Newman |
Jason Nichols |
Martin Nicolaus |
Donna Noce |
Jeff Nordland |
Bradford R. Norman | - |
O |
Aidan O'Brien | |
Judith Ogus |
Teejay O'Rear |
Edgar Ortega |
Ricky Ortiz |
Ed Osterhoudt |
Ken Owen - Channel Islands Restoration |
P |
Bob Packard |
Ross Padilla |
Joshua C. Pace |
Theodore J. Pappenfuss |
Duncan Parks |
Angel Patton |
Kenny Paul |
Lori Paul |
Mike Pecora |
Scott Peden |
Cliff Peebles |
Jason Penny |
Michael A. Peters |
Michael M. Phillips |
Randy Pickard |
Ed Pirog |
Ken Pitts |
Dominic Poole |
Richard Porter |
Koby Poulton |
Christian Powell |
Lisa Powers |
Tess Prenger |
Loren Prins |
Mark Pugs |
Joshua Puhn |
R |
Railfan |
Nao Rains |
George M. Ramirez |
Mario Ramos |
Darren Ramsey |
Travis Raszkowski |
Nathan Ray |
Scott Ray |
Andrea Reddick (Ron Ruppert) |
Marcus Rehrman |
Aaron Reif |
John Reinsch |
James Rexroth |
Jeff Rice web site: Western Soundscape Archive |
Will Richardson Tahoe Institute for Natural Science |
Gary Ridley |
Spencer Riffle |
Molly Rinaldi |
Cindy Rizzato |
Don Roberson (His website on Birds, California Birding, and other wildlife.) |
Darrell Roberts (photo not available for re-use.) |
Max Roberts |
Michael Robinson - Flickr Page |
Rod |
David Rodriguez |
Peter Rohman |
Jason Rojas |
Stephanie Root |
Jason Rosenberg |
Josh Rosenstein |
Mark Rothenay |
Alison Rowe |
James Rowe |
Mike Ryan |
Jennifer Rycenga web site: (San Mateo County Birding Guide) |
S |
Neo S |
Grayson B. Sandy (Grayson Sandy) |
Kathleen Scavone |
Michelle Scharer (no use allowed) |
Phil Schmidt |
Donald Schultz |
Rob Schell |
Stacy Schenkel |
Naomi Schiff |
Lynette Schimming |
John Schilling |
Leslie Schreiber |
Dan Schroeter |
Jeanne Schultz |
Richard Seaman |
Jay Selman |
Alyssa Semerdjian |
Vince Semonsen |
Daniel Seung |
J. Clay Sharp |
Ryan Shatto |
Dave Shaw |
Jackson Shedd |
Scott Shoemaker |
Eli Short |
Anastasia Dimitriu Shup |
Jake Sibley |
Karyn Sieglitz |
Diane L. Sieker |
Regan Sikola |
Ryan Sikola |
Lou Silva |
Brad Sillasen |
Barry Sinervo |
Ryan Singer |
Matthew Sinkhorn |
Matt Sjostrom |
Patty Sliney |
Jay Smart |
Ben Smith |
Ed Smith |
Jonathan Smith |
Nate Smith (Nathan on the photo) |
Nathan Smith |
Gordon C. Snelling |
Jay Snow |
John T. Snow |
Tamara Spaur |
Mike Spencer |
Bill Stagnaro |
Michael G. Starkey |
Ryne Starling |
Ariel Starr |
Rodney Starr |
Rick Staub |
Robert Staehle |
Wayne Steiger |
Leyna Stemle |
John Stephenson |
Bob Stephens-Doll |
Don Sterba |
Morgan Stickrod |
Eric Stitt |
John Stoklosa |
Connor Stone |
Julie Stout |
Zack Sturbaum |
John Sullivan - Wild Herps - Ribbit Photography |
Michael Sutcliffe |
Karen Swaim Swaim Biological, Inc. |
K. S. Swigart |
T |
Luke Talltree |
John Tashjian |
Jean Taves |
Emily Taylor |
Jeff Teel |
Randy Teets | |
Randolph K Thomas |
Damon Tighe |
Filip Tkaczyk |
David Tobler |
Michelle Tollett |
Craig Tooley - Craig Tooley's (Ruffimages) |
Jim Tracy |
Becky Trask |
Pat Trenham |
Brody Trent |
Huck Triggs |
Amelia True |
Shirley Tudor |
Lauren Tyson |
V |
Tim Valentine |
Anne Vanoppen |
Michael Van Zandt |
Glen Vargas |
Zachary Vegso |
Pete Veilleux |
Ivan Vershynin |
Allen Vinson |
Phil Vogel |
Vance Vredenburg |
W |
Sandra Wagner |
Harold Wagstaff |
Sara Walhovd |
Henk Wallays |
Cory Walker |
David Walton |
James Wang web site: |
Roxanne Ward |
David Wake |
Patrick Walker |
Melissa Wantz |
Mike Waters |
Kyle Watson |
Garth Weals |
Aaron Wells |
Dan Wells |
Will Wells |
Charlie Wheeler |
John White |
Ken D. Wiley |
Scott Wiley |
Spencer Williams |
Matt Willis |
Sam Wilson |
Ryan Winkleman |
Van Wishingrad (also: Van Joshua Wishingrad) |
Melissa Witte |
Ben Witzke |
Patricia Woodfill |
John Worden |
Jorah Wyer |
Karen Wyld Karen |
X |
Austin Xu |
Y |
Sohni Yaylian |
Trevor Yehle |
Anish Yelekar |
Stuart Young |
Tyler Young |
Z |
Samantha Zahringer |
Bo Zaremba |
Katie Zarn |
Ameet Zaveri |
Dave Zeldin |
Larry Zheng |
Steve Zimmerman |