Loggerhead Sea Turtle -
Caretta caretta |
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle -
Lepidochelys olivacea |

© Carlos Rodriguez Munoz |

© William Flaxington |

© Carlos Rodriguez Munoz |

© William Flaxington |
The Loggerhead Sea Turtle and the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle both have five or more costal scales.
They also both have two pairs of pre-frontal scales.
One way to differentiate them is to notice if the shell is smooth or serrated and to look at the shell color.
© Carlos Rodriguez Munoz |
© William Flaxington |
The posterior rim of the Loggerhead's shell is serrated.
The color is reddish or orange-brown with light yellowish edging around the scales. |
The shell of an adult Olive Ridley is smooth.
(It can be serrated on juveniles.)
The color is olive to gray. |
Another way to differentiate these two species is to look at the overall size of the animal, including the size of the head.
The head of a Loggerhead is very broad.
The shell is high in front.
The Loggerhead is the largest sea turtle with a hard shell.
The head is not as broad as that of the Loggerhead.
The Olive Ridley is the smallest sea turtle.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle -
Caretta caretta |
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle -
Lepidochelys olivacea |