Adult, Huachuca Mountains,
Cochise County, Arizona |
Adult, Pajarito Mountains,
Santa Cruz County, Arizona |
Juvenile, Mt. Lemmon,
Pima County, Arizona |
Adult eating a Chiricahua Leopard Frog, Pajarito Mountains, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
(See this snake eating on video below) |
Adult in a cattle pond, Pajarito Mountains, Santa Cruz County, Arizona |
Adult, Huachuca Mountains,
Cochise County, Arizona, after regurgitating several tadpoles.
Habitat |
Habitat, Pajarito Mountains,
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Habitat, Pima County, Arizona
Habitat, Pajarito Mountains,
Santa Cruz County, Arizona |
Habitat, Huachuca Mountains,
Cochise County, Arizona
Short Video |
A Western Black-necked Gartersnake is discovered in the middle of swallowing a Chiricahua Leopard Frog, back legs first, at the edge of a slow creek in the Pajarito Mountains of Arizona. The snake swims across the creek to finish eating, then swims into some roots to hide.
A brief look at a snake resting in a cattle-trampled Arizona pond (which was full of Chiricahua Leopard Frogs.) |
A juvenile Black-necked Gartersnake in the Pajarito Mountains of Arizona climbs down a large rock and dives into a the pool of a drying creek where many small fish present a dining opportunity. |