Southwest Reptiles and Amphibians

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Gophersnake - Pituophis catenifer

Sonoran Gophersnake - Pituophis catenifer affinis

(Hallowell, 1852)
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range map
Approximate Range of P. catenifer
Yellow = Range of P. c. affinis
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Sonoran Gopher Snake
Adult, Cochise County, Arizona
Sonoran Gopher Snake
Adult, Cochise County, Arizona
Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake
  Adult, Pima County, Arizona   Young Adult,
Yavapai County, Arizona
Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gopher Snake
Adult, Cochise County, Arizona Adult crossing the road defensively with elevated head and neck while hissing, Cochise County, Arizona
Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake
Adult, Cochise County, Arizona Adult, Yavapai County, Arizona
Sonoran Gophersnake      
Large old adult, Pima County, Arizona      
Habitat, Yavapai County, Arizona Habitat, Pima County, Arizona. Habitat, Mohawk Dunes,
Yuma County, Arizona
Habitat, Pima County, Arizona.
Painted Desert Glossy Snake habitat Mexican Hog-nosed Snake habitat
Habitat, Cochise County, Arizona Habitat, Cochise County, Arizona Habitat, Cochise County, Arizona Habitat, Yavapai County, Arizona
Short Videos of Gophersnakes
Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake Sonoran Gophersnake
A huge Sonoran Gophersnake puts on an impressive defensive display of hissing and blowing. Gophersnakes in the wild often take a defensive stance when threatened; they hiss, rear up, and sometimes even strike at the threat in order to protect themselves from harm. In this video, a newly-hatched juvenile Sonoran Gopher Snake trying to cross a road at night is threatened by the bright light and the video camera stuck in its face so it hisses loudly and strikes at the camera before crawling away. A Sonoran Gophersnakes crawls around in Imperial County, California. A Sonoran Gophersnake races across a road just after sunset.
Sonoran Gophersnake      
A distressed Pacific Gopher Snake shakes its tail rapidly, which makes a buzzing sound as the tail touches the ground. This behavior might be a mimic of a rattlesnake's rattlng, or it could be a similar behavior that helps to warn off an animal that could be a threat to the gopher snake.      


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