Southwest Reptiles and Amphibians

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Tree Lizard - Urosaurus ornatus

Schott's Tree Lizard - Urosaurus ornatus schottii

(Mittleman, 1940)
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Green = Range of this lizard

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Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult, Coconino County, Arizona Hatchling, Pima County, Arizona
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult, Coconino County, Arizona Adult, Pima County, Arizona.
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult, Coconino County, Arizona Adult, Cochise County, Arizona
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult male, Santa Cruz County, Arizona Adult, Pima County, Arizona
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult Male, Pima County, Arizona Adult, Maricopa County, Arizona
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult, Coconino County, Arizona Adult, Pima County, Arizona
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult female, Cochise County, Arizona Adult, Maricopa County, Arizona
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult, Pima County, Arizona. Juvenile, Pima County, Arizona. Adult, Pima County, Arizona.
Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
Adult, Pima County, Arizona. Adult, Pima County, Arizona. Adult, Pima County, Arizona.
Great Basin Collared Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard Schott's Tree Lizard
The Tree Lizard has small granular scales with a wide band of larger weekly-keeled scales in the center of the back with smaller elarged scales in the center of the wide band,
Coconino County, Arizona
Close-up of back scales
Coconino County, Arizona
Close-up of back scales
Maricopa County, Arizona
Tree Lizard habitat Tree Lizard habitat Tree Lizard habitat
Habitat, Pajarito Mountains,
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Habitat, Chiricahua Mountains,
Cochise County, Arizona
Habitat, Maricopa County, Arizona
Tree Lizard habitat
Tree Lizard habitat
Tree Lizard habitat
Habitat, Pinal County, Arizona Habitat, Coconino County, Arizona Habitat, Hidalgo County, New Mexico
Tree Lizard habitat Tree Lizard habitat Tree Lizard habitat
Habitat, Pima County, Arizona.

Habitat, Santa Rita Mountains,
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Habitat, Pima County, Arizona
  Tree Lizard habitat  
  Habitat, Cochise County, Arizona  
Short Videos
Tree Lizard Tree Lizard Tree Lizard
Tree Lizards beside a creek in Coconino County, Arizona.

Tree Lizards in Coconino County, Arizona, doing territorial push-up displays. Two tree lizards running around on buildings. The first in Coconino County, Arizona, the second in Pima County, Arizona.
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