Displaying adult male, Washington County, Utah |
Displaying adult male,
Washington County, Utah |
Adult female, Washoe County, Nevada |
Adult female, Washoe County, Nevada |
Adult male, Washoe County, Nevada |
Adult male, Washoe County, Nevada
This large male spent the day laying around on the cement in the shade of the roof over the picnic table at my campsite, so I thought he was lazy and not hungry, but when I set a noosed juvenile Long-nosed Leopard Lizard about 12 feet from him to quickly get some photographs, he ran over and grabbed the little lizard, dragged it and the noose pole away, and shook the lizard back and forth trying to kill it (and probably eat it.)
But the lizard was still attached to the noose so I was able to grab the pole to rescue it and release it where it was found. |
Adult female, Washoe County, Nevada |
Adult, Humboldt County, Nevada © Spencer Riffle |
Juveniles |
Juvenile, Nye County, Nevada |
Juvenile, Washoe County, Nevada |
Habitat |
Habitat, Washoe County, Nevada |
Habitat, Washoe County, Nevada |
Habitat, Washoe County, Nevada
Habitat, Washoe County, Nevada
Habitat, Nye County, Nevada |
Habitat, Washington County, Utah |
Habitat, Washington County, Utah |
Short Videos
Yellow-backed Spiny Lizards pose and do territorial push-up displays in Southwest Utah. |
A big Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard is shown after being noosed, with the noose still around its neck. As soon as I begin to release it, hoping to get some more video of it on its tree, it fools me and runs away along the ground. |
Yellow-backed Spiny Lizards in the Nevada Desert |