Southwest Reptiles and Amphibians

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Zebra-tailed Lizard - Callisaurus draconiodes

Western Zebra-tailed Lizard - Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus

Cope, 1896
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Orange = Range of this subspecies

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Western Zebra-tailed Lizard Western Zebra-tailed Lizard habitat
Adult, La Paz County, Arizona Adult basking in habitat,
La Paz County, Arizona
Short Videos
Western Zebra-tailed Lizard Western Zebra-tailed Lizard
This video shows several views of zebra-tailed lizards from the Colorado Desert in San Diego County, waving their striped tails to divert attention away from their main body, running off quickly, and doing the territorial push-up display. One early afternoon during a summer cold front in the Mohave Desert in Kern County, I was able to get close to several zebra-tailed lizards and follow them around as they moved relatively slowly compared to how fast they move when it's hot.

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