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A short example
Populations of this frog found from Arizona south into Mexico were described as the species
Mazatlan Narrow-mouthed Toad - Gastrophryne mazatlensis (Taylor, 1943) in 2012.
Frogs in other areas remain G. olivacea.
(Streicher JW, Cox CL, Campbell JA, Smith EN, de Sa RO. Rapid range expansion in the Great Plains narrow-mouthed toad (Gastrophryne olivacea) and a revised taxonomy for North American microhylids. Mol Phylog Evol 64:645-653. 2012)
Adult, Pajarito Mountains, Santa Cruz County, Arizona |
Adult, Pajarito Mountains,
Santa Cruz County, Arizona |
Recently metamorphosed juvenile, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Habitat |
Habitat, Pajarito Mountains,
Santa Cruz County Arizona |
Habitat and breeding pool, a small creek in the Pajarito Mountains, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Short Video |
A tiny juvenile Sinaloan Narrow-mouthed Toad hops around a small creekbed in Santa Cruz County, Arizona