Listen to this toad:

One short call

Adult, Washington County, Utah |
Adult, Washington County, Utah |
Adult, Washington County, Utah |
Adult, Washington County, Utah |
Adult, Washington County, Utah |
Adult, Washington County, Utah |
Underside of adult |
Adult, Yavapai County, Arizona |
Adult, Arizona,
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Habitat |
Habitat, Washington County, Utah
Habitat, Washington County, Utah |
Habitat, Washington County, Utah |
Short Videos |
Several male Arizona Toads calling and interacting at night at the edge of a small creek next to a river in Washington County, Utah, including two examples of a male attempting amplexus with another male who then makes release calls. Canyon Treefrogs can be heard in the background.
A short example of a male calling at night. |
Several Arizona Toads seen hanging around the edge of a small creek in Washington County, Utah. Most are males who stopped calling once I stuck a camera and bright lights in their faces. They usually resumed calling once I left. |