Listen to this toad:

A short example

More sounds of
Anaxyrus debilis insidior
Adult, Cochise County, Arizona |
Calling male toad, Cochise County, Arizona |
Adult, Hidalgo County, New Mexico |
Adult, Hidalgo County, New Mexico
Tadpoles and Metamorphs |
Mature tadpole, Cochise County, Arizona |
Mature tadpole, Cochise County, Arizona |
Metamorph, Cochise County, Arizona |
Metamorph in water, Cochise County, Arizona
Metamorph, Cochise County, Arizona |
Habitat |
Habitat, breeding pool in August,
Cochise County, Arizona
Breeding habitat, Cochise County, Arizona |
Breeding habitat, Hidalgo County,
New Mexico |
Breeding habitat,
Hidalgo County, New Mexico |
The Same pool as seen on the left in Hidalgo County, New Mexico,
2 months later. |
Breeding habitat,
Cochise County, Arizona |
Breeding habitat, Cochise County, Arizona
Short Video |
Male green toads call at night from a shallow pool.