Pacific Northwest
Reptiles & Amphibians

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Common Wall Lizard - Podarcis muralis

(Laurenti, 1768)

(aka European Wall Lizard)
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The Reptiles of British Columbia

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These lizards are not natives of British Columbia. They were introduced to Vancouver Island at Saanich in 1970 by a private zoo keeper who released about a dozen of them after closing his pet zoo, Rudy's Pet Park.

The subspecies has been attributed to Podarcis muralis maculiventris, originating in Italy.
[G. Deichsel & S. Schweiger (2004) Herpetological Review. 35 (3): 289–290.]

In 2020 there were estimated to be half a million of these lizards present on Vancouver Island, far more than the native Northern Alligator Lizard, and it is believed that the Wall Lizards have also spread to the lower mainland.
[Omar Washington, Capitol Daily 9/20/20]

Gavin Hanke of the Royal BC Museum in Victoria, B.C. told me in July, 2023 that "Podarcis muralis now is known from 4 populations on the British Columbia mainland – Powell River, Vedder Crossing, a construction site in Delta, and recently discovered in Cloverdale – this paves the way for them to move south into the USA either accidentally, or by their own power. They also have spread to Pender Island, Thetis Island, Saltspring Island, Hand Island, and Denman Island in British Columbia."

Common Wall Lizard Common Wall Lizard Common Wall Lizard
  Adults, Vancouver Island, Canada  
Common Wall Lizard Common Wall Lizard Common Wall Lizard
  Adults, Vancouver Island, Canada  
Common Wall Lizard Common Wall Lizard Common Wall Lizard
Adult, Vancouver Island, Canada Adult, Vancouver Island, Canada Juvenile, Vancouver Island, Canada
Common Wall Lizard Common Wall Lizard  
Adult, Vancouver Island, Canada Adult, Vancouver Island, Canada  
Common Wall Lizard habitat Common Wall Lizard habitat  
Habitat, Vancouver Island, Canada Habitat, Vancouver Island, Canada  
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