Listen to this frog:

A short example

More sounds of
Rana cascadae
Related or Similar Northwest Frogs:
Northern Red-legged Frog
Northern Leopard Frog
American Bullfrog
Columbia Spotted Frog
Oregon Spotted Frog
Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, King County, Washington |
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington |
Juvenile, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, Clackamas County, Oregon |
Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington |
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington |
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington |
Adult, Kittitas County, Washington |
Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Adult, Pierce County, Washington |
Recently-transformed juvenile,
King County, Washington |
Groin area |
Adult, King County, Washington |
A very cold-tolerant male frog next to melting snow in the breeding season, Kittitas County, Washington |
Adult, Lane County, Oregon © Marcus Rehrman |
Breeding, Eggs, and Tadpoles (Lots More Pictures)
Male and female in amplexus,
Kittitas County, Washington |
Male and female in amplexus,
Kittitas County, Washington |
Eggs, partly submerged in a shallow pool in a subalpine meadow, 5,600 ft., Pierce County, Washington |
Tadpole, King County, Washington |
Habitat |
Habitat, meadow pond, 3,900 ft.,
Kittitas County, Washington |
Habitat, mountain pond, 4,000 ft.,
King County, Washington |
Habitat, mountain lake, 5,700 ft.,
Pierce County, Washington |
Habitat, wet mountain meadow, 3,900 ft., Kittitas County, Washington |
Habitat, mountain creek,
Kittitas County, Washington |
Habitat, subalpine meadow, 6,400 ft., Deschutes County, Oregon
Snow-melt pool in subalpine meadow with clusters of recently-laid eggs (shown above) 5,600 ft., Pierce County, Washington |
Habitat, mountain lake, 6,200 ft.,
Pierce County, Washington |
Habitat during the breeding season, meadow pond, 3,900 ft., Kittitas County, Washington (with a frog visible in the foreground of the picture on the far right.) |
Habitat, mountain lake, 5,700 ft.,
Pierce County, Washington |
Short Videos |
A look at a Cascdes Frog breeding pond high in the Cascades, including the pond surrounded by melting snow, male frogs in calling position, two calling males, and two episodes of male frogs attempting to mount other males with sounds of protest. |
Several adult male frogs make calling sounds in the Washington Cascade Mountains. |
An adult male frog floats on the breeding pond, trading calls with two other frogs heard in the background. |
Male frogs chase each other around in the breeding pond, chattering and clucking. |
The bottom frog of this pair in amplexus (probably a female) makes a few release calls as it tries to shake off the male on its back. |
A male frog discovers another frog (probably a female that has already laid eggs) grabs on to her, and is carried around the pond as she tries to shake him off. |
Views of some of the many egg masses in a breeding pond in the Washinton Cascades Mountains. |