Adult found as it was about to cross a busy street on a hot April afternoon in Brevard County, Florida |
Basking adult, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Basking adult, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Adult eating aquatic vegetation, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Adult eating aquatic vegetation, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Adult, Kansas © Jeremy Huff |
Adult, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Large adult basking,
Fairfax County, Virginia |
Adult, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Adult, Williamson, TE © Lisa Powers |
Adult, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Adult, Tompkins Co., NY © Joyce Gross |
Large old adult swimming on top of aquatic vegetation, Hays County, Texas |
Juvenile, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania © William Flaxington |
Juvenile, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania © William Flaxington |
Habitat |
Habitat, roadside drainage ditch, Brevard County, Florida |
Habitat, Spring-fed Lake,
Hays County, Texas |
Habitat, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Adult in Habitat, Fairfax County, Virginia |
Short Videos |
Snapping turtles swimming
in a Virginia wetlands |
As I was driving on a busy highway in Brevard County, Florida, I saw a snapping turtle trying to cross the highway. I quickly stopped and ran toward it, which caused it to turn around, sparing its life, no doubt. After taking some still shots, I only got a few seconds of video before it sat still. I tried to move it so it would walk again, but decided to give up after it snapped at my fingers a couple of times. Maybe I'll do better next time.... |