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Sounds of
Strecker's Chorus Frog - Pseudacris streckeriWright and Wright, 1933
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More pictures of this frog and its habitat can be viewed here.
Advertisement Calls
An advertisement call is the most well-known call of a frog. It is produced by a male frog in order to attract females during the breeding season and to warn other rival males of his presence. Frogs usually make the calls around bodies of water that are suitable for breeding and egg laying. These calls can be heard during the evening and at night, and sometimes during daylight at the peak of the breeding season.
The call of Strecker's Chorus Frog is a single bell-like note repeated rapidly. A large chorus sounds like a squeaky wheel.
This is a 16 second recording of the call of a single Strecker's Chorus Frog calling from a small creek shown to the right during daylight in January in Travis County Texas.
This is a 15 second recording of a group of Strecker's Chorus Frogs calling from a small creek shown to the right during daylight in January in Travis County Texas. |
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