Listen to this Frog:

An adult male Boreal Chorus Frog calls from a marsh in Manitoba, Canada |
Boreal Chorus Frogs from Arizona |
Adult, Coconino County, Arizona |
Habitat |
Breeding habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Breeding habitat, Manitoba, Canada |
Breeding habitat, Burleigh County,
North Dakota |
Breeding habitat, Narcisse,
Manitoba, Canada |
Breeding habitat, Oak Hammock Marsh, Manitoba, Canada |
Breeding habitat, Custer County,
Black Hills, South Dakota |
Breeding habitat, Billings County,
North Dakota |
Short Videos |
A Boreal Chorus Frog calls from a marsh in Manitoba, Canada. He starts solo, then begins to call in sync with a second male. The snoring calls of Northern Leopard Frogs are heard in the background. |
A tiny Boreal Chorus Frog found under a rock near a pond in a forest clearing in the mountains of Coconino County, Arizona.