A Guide to the Amphibians
and Reptiles of California

Some Things Wanted For
Let Me Know if You Can Contribute Anything

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Thanks again to all of the great people who have contributed so many great pictures, sounds, and videos for the site, but there are still some that I would like to have to better illustrate California's reptiles and amphibians. Many of these herps are not easy to find.

If you have pictures or sounds of any of the following animals, or anything else that you notice the site is lacking, or anything that shows interesting herp behavior such as mating, feeding, fighting, etc. that you'd be willing to contribute, please contact me.

Miscellaneous Pictures Wanted

Pictures of any unusually-patterned or colored herps, such as albino, leucistic, piebald, or melanistic animals.

Pictures of any herps from any of the Channel Islands or other California islands.

Pictures of Anacapa, San Miguel, Santa Catalina, San Clemente, and San Nicolas Islands, and pictures of habitat taken on Angel Island, Yerba Buena Island, Alcatraz Island, and Brooks Island.

Any native California herps that were found in areas not shown on my range maps.

Pictures from California of any herp on my list of species that might inhabit California but have not yet been officially described.

Snake Pictures Wanted

Baja California Rat Snakes from California. (This is like asking for a picture of Bigfoot...)

Pictures of a Variable Sandsnake found in California. (Another Bigfoot.)

Pictures of California Mountain Kingsnakes from the White Mountains. (and another...)

Pictures of Northern Rubber Boas from the central coast between Mt. Pinos and the Monterey County line.

Bright Green Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes.
I keep hearing reports of these, from Oregon on down to Morro Bay, and I have a few pics of green rattlesnakes, but none are as bright as reported.

Common Gartersnakes from southern California (south coast gartersnake). I have a couple, but want to see more.

Common Gartersnakes from the far eastern parts of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. I'm trying to confirm which subspecies is there - infernalis or fitchi.

Melanistic Two-striped Gartersnake from Catalina Island. I've heard they exist.

Red or green phase Two-striped Gartersnake from the Piru River in Ventura County.

Sonoran Lyre Snakes - from the far southeastern part of the state near the Colorado River.

Striped morph California Lyre Snake from the Pisgah Lava Flow in San Bernardino County or anywhere else.
(I finally received a picture of one of these, but I'd like to see others.)

Other black or unusually dark snakes from black lava flows in the desert.

Melanistic Sierra Gartersnake from Plum Creek, Tehama County.

Pictures of any snakes that are breeding or feeding or engaged in other interesting behavior.

Pictures of wrestling male rattlesnakes.

Pictures of snake eggs.

Pictures of rattlesnakes around the entrance to a den.

Lizard Pictures Wanted

Pictures of Great Basin Skinks from Mono and Inyo Counties in California, or from anywhere else in their range.

Pictures of any breeding or fighting lizards and any lizards with their eggs, or just pictures of any lizard eggs that can be identified, preferably with something in the picture to show their size.

Black or unusually dark lizards from black lava flows in the desert.

More pictures of non-native geckos ,other than Mediterranean Geckos, found in the wild in California.
The number of these introduced species is growing.

A side-by-side comparison of male and female alligator lizard heads, shown from above to show the size and shape difference.

More pictures of Colorado Tree Lizards Urosaurus ornatus symmetricus, including a close-up shot of the back to show the scale pattern that differentiates it from the other subspecies.

Pictures of Tiger Whiptails from eastern edge of California in Modoc, Lassen, and Mono Counties.

Pictures of Yellow Fan-fingered Geckos and Common Checkered Whiptails.

Turtle Pictures Wanted

Pictures of any sea turtles in any California waters or on any California beaches.

Pictures of Pacific Hawksbill Sea Turtles from anywhere. (I have no pics of live Pacific Hawksbills.)

Pictures of introduced turtles in California:
- Snapping Turtles
- Painted Turtles
- Florida Softshells
- Spiny Softshells
- Yellow-bellied Sliders
- River Cooters
- Snapping Turtles
- E astern Musk turtles

Salamander Pictures Wanted

I have some now, but I'm always interested in showing more pictures of two of the new species of Shasta Salamanders, and their habitat - the Wintu Shasta Salamander and the Shasta Salamander.

Desert Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps major aridus). (I searched one known locality for them all day with a Fish and Wildlife biologist, but we couldn't find one.)

Coastal Giant Salamander eggs (Dicamptodon tenebrosus).

California Giant Salamander eggs (Dicamptodon ensatus).

Southern Torrent Salamander eggs (Rhyacotriton variegatus).

Pictures of a (large-spotted) Arboreal Salamander from the Gabilan Mountains.

Pictures of the eggs of any other California salamander.

Frog Pictures Wanted

Coqui Frogs.

Couch's Spadefoots from California.

California Treefrog (Pseudacris cadaverina) eggs. (Usually found attached underneath leaves in water)

Arizona Toad (Bufo microscaphus) eggs and tadpoles.

Sonoran Desert Toad (Bufo alvarius) eggs and tadpoles.

Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles.

Southern Mountain Yellow-legged Frog (Rana muscosa) eggs and tadpoles.
Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) egg masses..

A Pacific Treefrog (or Sierran Treefrog or Baja California Treefrog) in both green and brown phases - in other words, I'd like to show a frog that changed color.

Scat and other Signs Pictures Wanted

Some might think this web site is already full of too much fecal material, but nevertheless, if you have any photos of herp scat that you have positively identified and want to sling my way, I'd be most obliged. And if you have pictures of other evidence of herps I don't have - burrows, tracks, footprints, shed skin, or even real signs, like those on my signs page, let me know.

Sounds Wanted

Southern Mountain Yellow-legged Frog (Rana muscosa) breeding calls.

Ensatina defensive hissing sounds.

Northwestern Salamander defensive ticking sounds.

Long-toed Salamander squeaks and clicking sounds. 

Bullfrog screaming sounds.

Any other interesting herp sounds I don't have here yet.

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