There are two subspecies of Common Side-blotched Lizards in California. They are very similar in appearance, but the Nevada Side-blotched Lizard usually has a more reduced, often uniform pattern consisting of mostly scattered light and dark spotting.
The best thing to do is check the range map (to the left) to find out which one is in your area. The only area where there may be some confusion is in the Owens Valley where the two subspecies come into contact.
The "side blotch" - a dark mark on the sides behind the front legs - gives this species its common name.
Uta stansburiana elegans - Western Side-blotched Lizard
This picture shows the difference in color and pattern (not size) between an adult female Side-blotched lizard (above) and juvenile Western Fence Lizards (below.) © Mark Miller |
Uta stansburiana nevadensis - Nevada Side-blotched Lizard

Red: Western Side-blotched Lizard
Blue: Nevada Side-blotched Lizard |